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Hide and Seek guild event
ElvalianonDate: Tuesday, 2016-06-14, 1:40 PM | Message # 1
Group: Guild Master
Messages: 430
Status: Offline

We're happy to announce the brand new and hopefully fun guild event Hide & Seek the Stronghold edition for all our guild members!

What is the event about?
I'm sure most of you are familiar with the hide and seek game. One person hides somewhere and the other person(s) have to find him or her in their hiding spot. For this hide and seek event our leaders and officer will hide in the Stronghold map in various places. The first person to find any of them will win prizes, multiple prizes are possible!

How does it work?
During the event 4 of our members will hide on different places in the Stronghold map. All guild members attending have 30 min to find as many of us as they can. Once you have found one of us you must use the /emote point (shorter version is /e point) while aimed at the member who is hiding. The first to have completed this action on one of us wins the prize. Since there are 4 of us hiding there are 4 prizes to win!

However, the game does not stop there. Once one of us has been found we will hide in another spot to be found again worth another prize for the lucky finder, up to two times. Each time we hide again the hiding spots will become more difficult to be found, this will also result into more expensive prizes.

Example: Elva hides in a easy spot > When found win a small prize > Elva hides again in a medium spot > When found win a more expensive prize  > Elva hides in a difficult spot > When found win the most expensive prize.

When is the event?
On Sunday the 19th at 19:00 UTC

How to join?
- Requirement: Sign up for the events on the events tab. (G > Events > click on Hide and Seek > RSVP > Accept)
- Attend the event on Sunday at 19:00 UTC (see your local time in the events tab).
- Follow instructions and have fun!

- You have to sign up to the event on the events tab to be able to join.
- You can only attend on one character and one account.
- Prizes cannot be discussed.


Rank 1 prizes

Easy prizes: 2x [Enchantment, Rank 7] of choice. (worth average 10k AD)

Medium prizes: 1x [Greater Mark of Power] or 2x [Greater Mark of Stability] or 1x [Greater Mark of Union] or 1x [Greater Mark of Potency] or one of the following companions: [Moonshae Druid], [Traveling Entertainer], [Fawn of Shiallia], [Frost Mimic], [Flame Sprite] or [Swashbuckler]. (Worth average 20k AD)

Difficult prizes: One of the following companions [Ice Sprite], [Armored Orc Wolf], [Helmite Paladin Ghost], [Water Archon] or one stack of 99x [Enchantment/Runestone, Rank 5]. (Worth average 30k AD)

Rank 2+ prize

Easy prizes: One of the following companions [Lizardfolk Shaman], [Snowy Fawn], [Skeleton]. (Worth average 40k AD)

Medium prizes: One [Thunderhead Enchantment] or one of the following companions [Angel of Protection], [Air Archon] or [Earth Archon]. (Worth average 100k AD)

Difficult prizes: One [Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue] or [Lesser Barkshield Enchantment] or [Grazilaxx] or [Skeletal Dog]. (Worth average 200k AD)
ElvalianonDate: Sunday, 2016-06-19, 11:19 PM | Message # 2
Group: Guild Master
Messages: 430
Status: Offline

Easy: Inside food shop - Ophelia
Medium: Windmill - Fleminator
Difficult: Underwater at Beholders - Fleminator

Easy: On top roof of the back Stronghold – Videl - Fleminator
Medium: In between the house and wall – Hashiro - Fleminator
Difficult: Dragon Hills corner near the water – Tank - Fleminator

Easy: Behind the wall left of the stronghold – Hezrou’s Scout - X
Medium: On top the gate ancient lake – Hezrou’s Devoted - Fleminator
Difficult: Piet Fiend rock. – Hezrou - Fleminator

Easy: in the corner of the pond – Arani - Zadri
Medium: In between the houses – Juvia  - X
Difficult: Near tower at red dragon - Elvi – Zadri

Easy: Flem 1x> Ophelia > Zadri
Medium: Flem 3x
Difficult: Flem
3x > Zadri

(Flem got all his prizes, Zadri her hard prize, waiting on Ophelia for easy and easy prize for Zadri after)
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