____________________ RECRUITMENT MESSAGE _______________________ Guild True DragonBlood is recruiting members. We are a friendly non exploit guild that likes to help & advice, do dungeons & raids, share wealth and a good laugh. Interested? PM me for info/inv Looking for a guild? True DragonBlood is a friendly non exploit guild providing support, daily/weekly/monthly events & raids, guild boons, shares wealth + a good laugh. Interested? PM me! Looking for a guild? True DragonBlood is a level 12 non exploit guild providing support, daily/weekly/monthly events & raids, guild boons, shares wealth + a good laugh. Interested? PM me! _____________________INTERVIEW TEMPLATE_________________________ ----- Intro ----- Hello ....., thank you for contacting me. We gladly welcome more players to our guild. Thank you for your interest. I got a few things to tell you about our guild and ask a couple questions, do you have time for that? May I ask where you are from, how long you have been playing Neverwinter and if you are a PvE or PvP player? Sounds good. Our guild is PvE focused, though about 10% of us PvP as well. Most of our members are from Europe, then the US, but we have a few more all around. Do you have any more questions about our guild? Or should I continue to our guild rules? ----- Guild rules ----- We require you to play non exploit, be nice and respectful, keep your members comments up to date, are online once in two weeks, full greed in guild parties, join our TDBP channel and are 18+. Are you 18+ and do you understand the definition of non exploit and full greed parties? ----- Subscription ----- At last I have to make you aware that we require subscriptions fees (tax) from guild rank 2 and up. If you are not yet lvl 70 and 1,6k IL it is free, else the first 3 to 6 weeks are free. If you are lvl 70 and 1,6k IL you will receive a promotion offer in 3 weeks (depending on when you joined and when we do promotions) that you can decline once, 3 weeks later you will have to accept. IL means Item Level. This is to improve our Stronghold for better boons and items for everyone. In return you can have +1 character per rank, get more & higher withdraw rates and can join events for higher rewards. The fee contains Influence or Astral Diamonds depending on what we need. Influence you can easily farm with us for free, AD will usually not exceed 10-15-20k per rank. It is a weekly fee. Example: If you are rank 2 we ask for 10k AD or 1200 influence once a week. At level 70 and 1,6k IL it is fairly easy to gain 10k AD in 30 min. We do enough dungeons to help members meet their requirements and of course you can always ask us for help. If these rules are alright with you, I gladly sent a invite ----- Additional explanations ----- 1. Non exploit means we do not take advantages of bugs in the game (cheating basically) or run from combat. We only take a few natural shortcuts, but other then that we play the game as intended. 2. Full greed means we greed on all loot in guild parties. Everyone has a chance on winning anything, good gear drops only for yourself now anyway. An old rule we like to keep for the sense of bonding. 3. The TDBP channel is a custom chat channel in game that we use to make parties for dungeons, raids etc and communicate through via alts not in the guild. ____________________WELCOMES MAIL TEMPLATE ______________________ Thank you for joining our guild, We kindly request you to do two things: 1. Fill in your members comments as requested: Main/Alt of: Name | Item Level | Country | To do list (optional). 2. Join our guild's party channel named TDBP. Invites to this channel have to be accepted in the Chatbox Options > Custom Channels. No invite? Ask a leader for a invite. (rank 6-7). This channel is strictly for (dungeon) run and quest help requests and to communicate through via alts not in the guild *** ADDITIONAL INFO *** ____ Guild Boons ____ Don't forget to activate your guild boons under C > Boons > Stronghold. You can change them any time. ____ Raids & Events ____ Check out all our guild events and raids (G > Events) and feel free to sign up for any of the events that have your interest. ___ Forum & Index ___ We have a index on our forum where you will find links to helpfull topics with class guides, tips & tricks and handy tools! But also links to all our guild/raid rules and alliance code of conduct. You can find our forum and index right here: www.truedragonblood.ucoz.com/forum/23-279-1 On our forum you will also find events, news updates, guild changes and dungeon tactics. Feel free to sign up and share info if you want to. To access some of our closed threads without a account, use the password "Dragontail". With a account you do not need to enter this password. ____ Voicechat ____ * We also have a Teamspeak channel, server: - password "Dragontail". ____ Facebook ____ * If you like to keep up to date with our events and most important changes, we also have a facebookpage named True DragonBlood. * Our Forum, Facebookpage and Teamspeak are not required to sign up for, we just offer for the needy. ____ Feedback & Issues ____ If you want to give some feedback or report any issues, you can mail or pm any officer or leader. If none is around or you rather stay anonymous you can also go to our forum to fill in one of our forms (no sign up needed). We hope you enjoy your stay, True DragonB